Sunday, 2 September 2012

Apa masalah Bunkface dengan Kpopers di Malaysia????

hahahhaha this recently dok kecoh pasal Bunkface bashing Kpopers kat propaganza...!!! memang hangin la kan??????adakah memang mereka layak berkata begitu????adakah Malaysia diharamkan untuk meminati kpop kecuali meminati artist malaysia?????? yang aq dapat katakan hanyalah..."Woi,muka tembok!!! Even muka tembok tu lagi lawa lah dari pada kau!!! haha"..... Dia dok cakap macam tu..adakah mereka sedar bahawa mereka juga membawa music ala2 barat itu????/ apakah masalah mereka???? adakah Super Junior merampas date concert anda???? adakah Bunkfacer telah lari menyukai kpop????? Honestly la ek,aq pown kpop gak n aq layan jugak Bunkface semenjak mulut ntah2 apa2 si sam ni...puih~~~~~ u r losing one of ur followers beb..hahhahah ..can u see that????..jangan dok dengki sangat la kan..just greatfully apa yang ada..dok dengki ngan kpop tu buat apa???? dia ni saja la kan??? memaksa kita meminati mereka??? begitukah????? cakap kpop menari ntah apa2...yang hang dok berkinja2 menjerit tu sama jer lah kan???? please respect others interest la ok???? maybe dia geram kot..ada artist malaysia yg da jadi mcm kpop....(tapi ,,serius sakai ..) bawa genre baik tak pa la gak!!!!! dear Sam ....janganlah aNda bermuka tembok!!!! hahhaha

ini adalah beberapa reaksi pengguna twitter:

... Bunkface hate k-pop but did they know music is universal? Tipu lah if diorang tak suka music luar negara
.....Dear Sam Bunkface, you don't have the rights to bash what we love. Sincerely, k-poppers from all around the world ♥
....Careless careless shoot bunkface bunkface heartless mindless no one who care about them~
....Sam Bunkface kutuk kpop? What the fuckery.
............Bunkface ? Kpop ? Sorry i choose Kpop because they respect other artists
.......Talking about being patriotic, I don't think you're in the line to said so, Bunkface. Because, your music itself didn't show any patriotism
...........mcm biasa. Komen murahan talking about how malaysian loves kpop. Huhu. Ckp kita ni semua tak patriotik. LOL je la i dgr
.............Kepada Bunkface , pergi tengok I AM SMtown dekat astro best ye . See how hard they worked to achieve what they want.

semua tweet dia atas aq x nak bubuh full credit cuz nak respect privasi mereka XD
ha kan padan sampai kena hastag #poorSam


  1. Sokong habis dengan entri nieyh.....haritue tengok propaganza rasa panas jew dengan sam bunkface tue...cakap cam budak2...*nampak benor macam jeles dengan kpop -.- jemput ke blog saya kalau sudi :


  3. baik bashing artis hollywood. terutama sekali greenday. bajet greenday versi malaysia la sangat

  4. "Malay films & malay songs were never promoted nor exhibited. If they are not encouraged they'll be totally forgotten in 10 - 20 years time. Foreign films & foreign music will represent and be touted as ours. If we don't instill our films & music in our children, one day I fear other forms of films & music will take over & fill the void in their hearts. It's the same as teaching children religion. No matter how far they go, they wouldn't change their religion because it's embedded in their hearts by their parents. Same as films & music. Once it's in them, it stays forever." - Allahyarham Tan Sri P. Ramlee

    Ko delete cerita bodoh ko ni, sblum ko aku bodohkan!

